A demi-personal website for expression, creativity, fun--and idealy, friendship and group activities. mini verse
LiveJournal community creative side projects artwork for sale Mina no Blog!

Thursday, February 12, 2004

Move in progress 

In fairly the future, this site will be located elsewhere. From now on, look toward http://www.miniverse.nu for any updates. This is the last one that will show up here! (^*^)

Monday, February 02, 2004

Little things here and there 

The new look off the site is so much better than the last one. So proud of its simplicity. (^*^); Have to consider some little tweaks here and there, but all together it's coming around.

If you check the 'creativity' section, you'll notice an update there on a Douglas Adams tribute idea. It should be fun! Just need to come up with some ideas for the general environment, and a little story would be good too.

In the meantime, will keep you posted of any kind of progress. "Now... Have fun!"™

("Now... Have fun!" is ™ and © Illya Morometz and Hellorama. Please don't send Vlad after us.)

Monday, December 01, 2003

Testing timer 

Testing Blogger's ability to 'time-edit' posts, to see how they show up.