A demi-personal website for expression, creativity, fun--and idealy, friendship and group activities. mini verse
LiveJournal community creative side projects artwork for sale Mina no Blog!

Wednesday, February 20, 2002

Upgraded to TripodPlus! 

You may have noticed the lack of advertisements on the website now...That is because I upgraded to a TripodPlus account! Bwahaha...I think the lack of advertisements, extra space and bandwidth, and filesharing ability are worth the $5 a month. I've been wanting to upgrade, and finally found an excuse for myself. ::Grin:: What's the excuse...? You'll find out soon enough...^*^

As an added side note...Visa check/debit cards are a godsend...

Tuesday, February 19, 2002

About page updated. Moderated message board added. 

I actually put a little information in the About page...Not much, I suppose, but it's there. It's more of an explanation of why I'm putting this website together than the usual, more legal-type content of an about section. ::Shrugs:: This is, in essence, a more personal site than a business one...Though I don't actually consider it a personal site. ::Chuckle:: It's just...Not so formal as some sites, perhaps.

Anyway, I'm also working at implementing this message board you're looking at now. ::Chuckle:: It's not actually a postable forum...But maybe that'll change someday, who knows. Tripod does support use of CGI scripts, so...we'll see. Since I never actually learned anything about CGI...Regardless of it being in the course's corriculum at the school I attended. Ah well...They were all-around incompitent. In the meantime, this simple HTML forum will do. And I check my email and this website every day, so...I'll be collecting any posts from the <YourBBS> board and moving them here [service unavailable]. That way people don't have to deal with the lag from that server if they only want to read posts...And I'll be collecting appropriate emails and putting them on here as well (unless requested otherwise).

Thursday, February 14, 2002

Pleasant Valentine's Day wishes. Happy birthday to Bunny. Otherkin area added. Message board added. 

First off, I suppose it's manditory that I wish a happy Valentine's day to everyone. So there you have it. Most importantly, happy birthday to my best friend Patty/Bunny. Hope to see you soon to give you a proper birthday greeting in person! ~*^

As for the website, I have linked in the new Otherkin area I'd started work on a day or two ago (hard to tell, any more). I hope to get some submissions from people to add in there...I'm no good at explaining things myself. ::Chuckle::

I've also started a new message board account at <YourBBS> [service unavailable]. I haven't found a better service than that, unfortunately...It's not bad in looks and all, but the admin panel is a mess. So if anyone has any better suggestions for a message board, please, do tell...In the meantime, links to the various sections of the message board have been placed in the appropriate sections of the website. Of course, emailed submissions will always be accepted.

Tuesday, February 12, 2002

New website design put into place. Small bits of growing information reorganized. 

I've begun to organize/reorganize what little bits of information are on this website. I am also working on the implementation of a new layout/design for the entire website. It seems to be working well so far...

The information for the collectable card game will not be made public until it has been copyrighted. I've been warned by near everyone I've spoken to on that end, so...there it is. I hope to be able to do that as soon as possible. My hopes are to one day actually market the game...Though that will take a lot of work. Namely in getting supplies together and the like...Any aid/advice I can get in that area would be much appreciated.