Mina no Blog!  

"Mina no Blog!" = "Everybody's Blog!"

Joining Blogger.com is as simple as entering a name, password, first & last names and e-mail. E-mail me ('Kash) and I will add you to the list of up to 100 people who can post here.

Log into Blogger, click the link in your e-mail, and it will bring up a page with two buttons: Click "Yes" to join. This is Everybody's Blog. (^*^)

Mina no Blog! archives

Wheeeeeeeee hoooo! Wheee hoo hoo hoo! I'm dancin like a monkey!!!

  posted by Kitty-chan @ 9:43:52 PM

Friday, October 04, 2002  

Okay, Now its time to Jab at you and point and giggle...Its nice ^*^; Kind of an odd little thing though ::Nodnods:: This'll be neat. Hopefully... Ahee... Okay i got a migraine ::glanceglance:: I think you'll get tired of me and me useless information ^*^; or just insesent babbling!! ::licks and cackles::

  posted by Rose @ 1:49:50 PM

Well, that was quick and simple enough. Never mind the only problem there would have been with this blog. It's been solved. (^*^)

Blogger has a nice little feature to save the FTP password, so now anyone that joins, can 'Post & Publish' all their own posts, and it'll go right here to my website automatically. Weee..!

  posted by 'Kash @ 1:49:42 PM

Second test (testing saved password for publishing feature).

  posted by S'nit @ 1:45:55 PM

O.o; This is gonna be wierd..

  posted by Rose @ 1:37:16 PM

Okay, my whole point of setting up the blog was basically just to have fun. I've linked it in my website (and on a chat profile) so that people can see it, and should they be interested, make a note of it to me. I plan on letting pretty much anybody join in this blog, and we'll all just have crazy fun. (^*^)

I do, of course, have the right to say no. If I don't know you, and I don't find your posts suitable, I might just remove you as quickly as you've been added. But for the most part, I'll be adding in anyone that asks.

The only issue, as I see it, is that anyone that joins will only be able to post to the blog--not publish it to my site here (sorry, I just can't go giving out my password to everyone). But, that's not a huge issue. Because of a move I'm about to make to Florida, I won't be able to get on as much for a while. But other than that, I'm generally online every day. So all I have to do is log in once a day to click the "Publish" button.

No big deal. Just don't be too upset if there's a period (starting middle of next week) when I can't log in on a daily basis.

Ciao. Have fun. Join in! (^*^)

  posted by 'Kash @ 1:25:51 PM

Testing new team member addition..

  posted by S'nit @ 1:14:55 PM

With Blogger I can have a 'team' of up to 100 people with varying levels of access to this blog. Interested in bein' a part of that team? Let me know!

  posted by 'Kash @ 8:03:59 PM

Thursday, October 03, 2002  

Testing, Ag, Ei, Ich, Nu.

  posted by 'Kash @ 5:28:51 AM

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