Joining is as simple as entering a name, password, first & last names and e-mail. E-mail me ('Kash) and I will add you to the list of up to 100 people who can post here.
Log into Blogger, click the link in your e-mail, and it will bring up a page with two buttons: Click "Yes" to join. This is Everybody's Blog. (^*^)
Okay, Now its time to Jab at you and point and giggle...Its nice ^*^; Kind of an odd little thing though ::Nodnods:: This'll be neat. Hopefully... Ahee... Okay i got a migraine ::glanceglance:: I think you'll get tired of me and me useless information ^*^; or just insesent babbling!! ::licks and cackles::
Well, that was quick and simple enough. Never mind the only problem there would have been with this blog. It's been solved. (^*^)
Blogger has a nice little feature to save the FTP password, so now anyone that joins, can 'Post & Publish' all their own posts, and it'll go right here to my website automatically. Weee..!
Okay, my whole point of setting up the blog was basically just to have fun. I've linked it in my website (and on a chat profile) so that people can see it, and should they be interested, make a note of it to me. I plan on letting pretty much anybody join in this blog, and we'll all just have crazy fun. (^*^)
I do, of course, have the right to say no. If I don't know you, and I don't find your posts suitable, I might just remove you as quickly as you've been added. But for the most part, I'll be adding in anyone that asks.
The only issue, as I see it, is that anyone that joins will only be able to post to the blog--not publish it to my site here (sorry, I just can't go giving out my password to everyone). But, that's not a huge issue. Because of a move I'm about to make to Florida, I won't be able to get on as much for a while. But other than that, I'm generally online every day. So all I have to do is log in once a day to click the "Publish" button.
No big deal. Just don't be too upset if there's a period (starting middle of next week) when I can't log in on a daily basis.