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Hm.. I been busy lately. 45 hour work-weeks and all. But I got a car! Nya.. which means I can drive myself to the college this weekend, and not worry about J.'s ****ed little schedule. =P Spent a little more than I'd have liked.. heh, s'funny how the laws change from state to state. I'd actually be paying less for insurance in Jersey at this point..
Anyway.. I'd like to get back to work on that Miniverse thing, whenever I can. Gotta work it into my schedule somewhere.. spend some time pondering over the miniverse. Then again, I should also be alloting time to meditate over the universe.. hm. Too much to do!
Simon De Montfort... binarycount.add(int n1, int n2) *clutches her head* nihongono testo ha tsugino kayoubi de.. benkyoushinai.. kanji.. brain.. poop.. O.o