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Ya, this thing kinda crapped out, ee? Ah well.. by my estimations, I should be able to get a laptop by July, at latest. Mrp. *Le sigh* Anywho.. How is everybody? Need to hear from people more often, demmit.. even if I can't always reply right away. I've been making it a point to check my email when I get off of work at nights, since they have these lovely little terminals in the break room.
Well.. I put in for a vacation from June 4 through June 9, so I can go to WTT and have to extra days to spend in Jersey. Hopefully, they'll let me have them.. I'm told they usually approve it, and I'm putting it in about three and a half months early, so.. nya.
Well.. gotta get going. Let's all hope my loan dispute goes well, mya? That would help very much. Well, see ya later.