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This is the headline to a brief article someone forwarded to me through email. The article itself, I must say, is quite disgusting. The very first sentence is highly hypocritical. There is not a single citizen of the United States of America who is not either an immigrant, or the descendant of immigrants (duely noting that Native American reservations are not actually considered U.S. soil). ALL PEOPLE in this country must adapt, and evolve, in order for this country to survive.
The writer of this article seems to be under the impression that this country was founded for and by Christians from Great Brittian; no on else counts. Why, then, would this place be considered the 'Land of Opportunity'? It grants people from around the world the opportunity to try for a better life.
A certain would-be patriotic journalist has taken their opportunity and used it to bash their nation and its citizens, in an attempt to claim how great the nation is without them. Have I overlooked something? The writer specifically puts a focus on the recent decision by the state of Florida to allow Muslim women to have driver's licenses with photos of them with their faces covered. If I recall correctly, the founders of this nation quite specifically made an addition to the constitution stating "freedom of religion." Would that not encompass "freedom to practice religion"?
Did you know in the state of New Jersey it's actually not a requirement to even have a photo on your driver's license beyond the first issuance?
The ideals behind this nation are to allow all peoples from all places and cultures to live new lives, while still holding true to their personal values, and the values of their culture. So in an attempt to seem patriotic, this so-called journalist (what happened to lack of bias in journalism?) is bashing the very core of this nation's foundation.